A Conflict of Shadows - Darryl Young

A Conflict of Shadows

By Darryl Young

  • Release Date: 2022-04-09
  • Genre: Science Fiction


Ryan Walker was on a mission to kill a man. There was nothing personal, as he never met him. It was just a job. Walker is a shadow man, the name given to operatives from Kage section. The plain truth was he was an assassin, given the job of removing threats to Stellar Corps and any of their allies. He had a good reputation, based on his successes.
This was not one of them.
Tasked with the elimination of a man known as the General, he found his way to one of his bases in Sanarian space, only to find out he'd been betrayed and expected. He wakes up in a pit filled with the bodies of the villagers who had taken him in, only to find out he has an ally that he didn't know about it. One that gives him a second chance at completing his mission. As well as another one a thousand times more important.
