The Chocolate Cure - Roxanne Snopek

The Chocolate Cure

By Roxanne Snopek

  • Release Date: 2017-01-04
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
4.5 Score: 4.5 (From 94 Ratings)


No more chocolate! No more meddling! No more men!

New Year’s resolutions are great. Announcing them in a crowded bar, with a chocolate martini in her hand? Not Maddie Cash’s finest moment. It’s time this new realtor got serious about her life and this time, she means it.

But when hospital volunteering lands her at the bedside of bruised and battered Mick Meyer, who has no knowledge of Maddie’s reputation – and no memory of the kiss he begged from her during that long, pain-filled night, her best-laid plans are put in jeopardy. It’s not just his sweet tooth that’s tempting her.

The hunky bush pilot with the concussion has an old family property to unload. Making this sale could be Maddie’s professional salvation. But when Mick turns on the charm, she’s in danger of forgetting all her best intentions... on chocolate... on meddling... and especially on men.


  • The Chocolate Cure

    By Jean Granowski
    This was a great story. Maddie made some impulsive new years resolutions that would come back to haunt her. She is determined to be a better person. As she is volunteering at the hospital, she ends up meeting and helping Mick, a pilot who had an accident and needs to recuperate. He also has some land to sell, which would help Maddie save her realty job. Maddie and Mick were wonderful characters. She really brought out the best in Mick and helped him with his rehab from the accident. The only thing that would have made this story better would be if the book came with some of the wonderful chocolates they described in the book.
  • Chocolate cures everything

    By SBart79
    The perfect story to start your New Years, with Maddie making her own New Year resolutions, No Chocolate, No Men and No Meddling. Well you know she will fail, with plenty of laugh out moments and the bantering between her "guy" friend, Mick. Mick is an injured pilot that Maddie meets while volunteering in the local hospital and helps nurses him back to health, with some of her favorite chocolate from Sage's Chocolate Shop. Maddie just wants to make everyone happy, she really doesn't mean to meddle, but oh how I loved it!! How can she deny the chemistry between Mick, but she tries very hard to. This is a great addition to the Love at the Chocolate Shop books, the few things in common is romance, chocolate and all of the wonderful friends of Marietta. Well written with great humor, that will have you laughing out loud.
  • Fun Romance

    By BookSnuggle
    The Chocolate Cure by Roxanne Snopek is book number four in the Love at the Chocolate Shop series. This is Maddie Cash and bush pilot Mick Meyer's story. I thoroughly enjoyed Maddie and Mick’s story! Their romance was a fun romance to read. I loved the humor, emotional aspects, and the sweet romance. A great read that left me still thinking about their story. Loved it! I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
  • Funny, Sexy, Combustable

    By Renae_D
    Roxanne had me laughing the whole way with Maddie Cash and Mick was just as sweet with a real rough, outdoorsy sexy side.. it was nice to see the chemistry combust. Received an ARC for an honest and fair review.
  • Chocolate cures everything!

    By kristylof
    Maddie Cash is trying to be a good adult per her New Years Resolutions of no chocolate, no men and no meddling. That is until her first volunteer shift at the hospital lands her a task keeping bush pilot Mick Meyer awake for the night. I loved this book. It was sweet and fun and the chocolate descriptions made my mouth water. It was also nice to have some more pieces of the background puzzle that is Sage's niece Portia.l
  • The Chocolate Cure

    By celticmaggie
    Roxanne has given me another good book from Tule Publishing. I love to read these stories. The story lines flow through and then you catch a bump in the road to make you stop and wonder. It is New Year's Eve and Maddie is waiting for friends and she makes two promises to fill. No chocolate and men. Then she works as a volunteer in the hospital and gets snagged when a man is fighting to get out. He flipped with his plane and has a concussion. Only she can keep him still. She finds out he is friends with Maddie's friends. Now to her real job. She is a realtor but doesn't sell many because she only wants her clients to get the real house for them. There are some spots that will make you curious if there is a new book coming. I recommend this book to everyone. You will be pulled into the story. Check out the story and then choose to read this. You won't regret it! I volunteered to read and review this book.
  • Another Sweet Installment to the Chocolate Shop Series!

    By Unbound Passion
    > > Judging a Book by it's Cover < < I love the water-color marker effect of this series' covers. Looks to be a Yorkie in a travel bag between the feet of a couple standing face-to-face inside the chocolate shop. Cute sounding synopsis. > > Looking Deeper < < POV: Third-person . Mick ~> Bush pilot, flew in for Chad's stag weekend and used his newly-inherited fishing cabin as party base only to become injured while trying to secure his Cessna before a storm. No real roots, prefers to travel and keep on the move. Now he's grounded until further notice. Maddie ~> Free-spirit and kind-hearted, often put everyone else ahead of herself even if that meant she was seen as flighty, irresponsible, meddling, a tease. She considered herself to be a bad sister, daughter, and friend. The nice one, but unable to do anything right. She needed something to ground her and a night in the ER as a volunteer just may be what she needed. Secondaries ~> Various citizens of Marietta, Montana, plus cameos from outside family. Sufficient plot fillers. Chemistry & Compatibility ~> Instant, but between his concussion and her resolutions, nothing was acted upon. This is a CLEAN romance with no more than a couple stolen kisses. Dialogue and Interaction ~> Natural and realistic. Plot & Flow ~> The plot was light, cute, fun. There was a fair amount of angst, but the lead couple were enjoyable as individuals as well as as a couple. Conflicts & Resolutions ~> Other than the above mentioned New Year resolutions and her determination to prove to people that she can stick to being responsible and his "parking accident", concussion, and subsequent recovery, there's not a lot standing in their way... unless you want to also consider her smarmy co-worker or unethical boss. No loose ends are really left, though, in the end. Predictability ~> Virtually nil. No big surprises. The plot could have taken a different path for Maddie and I'm a little sad to see that it didn't. Conclusion ~> While the couple seem to receive an implied HEA, the ending felt awfully rushed and untidy. Since each book revolves around a completely different couple and only loosely tied to the others via the chocolate shop and the town in which they reside, I'd say that this book could be read as a stand-alone fairly well. However, to gain the maximum experience that the series has to offer, I'd suggest reading it from the beginning. . Rating: [PG] ~ Score: 41.5 ~ Stars: 4 ========================== ⭐ ⭐ **** Disclosure of Material: I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the Author/Publisher with the hope that I would voluntarily leave unbiased and unsolicited feedback. I was not asked, encouraged, or required to leave a review - nor was I compensated in any way. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising". ***** ⭐ ⭐
  • Fun read

    By bh313@hotmail
    Love continues to bloom at Marietta's chocolate shop. On a drunken whim Maddie Cash makes a New Year's resolution that is sure to fail as soon as she utters it! Giving up men, meddling, and chocolate? What was she thinking! Since she made this resolution in such a public way, she has no choice but to try her best to get through it. Then she meets Mick Meyer and things really get interesting. This is a wonderfully fun read and one I would highly recommend.
  • Chocolate Cures All

    By Eileen A-W
    I really loved this fourth entry in the Love at the Chocolate Shop series, Chocolate Cure by Roxanne Snopek. In this book, realtor Maddie Cash resolves to give up drinking, chocolate, and men while standing on top of the bar in Gray’s Saloon on New Year’s Eve. That mean she needs to get serious about her life and stick to it. She must close a deal before the end of the month or lose her job. Mick Meyer is a hunky bush pilot with a concussion and an inherited family property to unload. Maddie ends up at Mick’s bedside in the ER on her first, and last, night of volunteering at the hospital. She continues to visit and assist Mick in his recovery. The only problem is the attraction between these two, fueled by chocolate and chemistry. This was a fun, wonderful and entertaining story with very loveable and authentic characters you want to cheer on, hoping for that happy ending. The characters were well written with complex characteristics. The story line was riveting and kept my attention to the very end. I enjoyed reading this book and had trouble putting this book down. I highly recommend this book to other readers. I am so looking forward to the next entry in the Love at the Chocolate Shop series. I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.
